New-Style Plastic Flooring Forces Manure Through Slots
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"It's the best slotted floor on the market," says Terry Johnson, manufacturer of a new-style flooring with specially slotted valleys that direct waste downward instead of al-lowing it to spread across the surface of the floor.
"EverClean" flooring is made of a non-stick plastic that's stronger, more shatter-resistant, and less temperature sensitive than ordinary plastic, according to Johnson.
The slots in the flooring have raised edges that stop manure from spreading side-ways so it's forced down through the slots. The raised edges also provide more traction for animals, he adds.
Designed primarily for nurseries, EverClean flooring sells for $10 per 16 by 24-in. panel.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, EverClean Plastic Flooring, 100 Borderline Drive,. Box 834, Cherokee, Iowa 51012 (ph 800 326-4821 or 712 225-4823, fax 6361)

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New-Style Plastic Flooring Forces Manure Through Slots HOG EQUIPMENT & IDEAS Hog Equipment & Ideas (351) 20-4-29 "It's the best slotted floor on the market," says Terry Johnson, manufacturer of a new-style flooring with specially slotted valleys that direct waste downward instead of al-lowing it to spread across the surface of the floor.
"EverClean" flooring is made of a non-stick plastic that's stronger, more shatter-resistant, and less temperature sensitive than ordinary plastic, according to Johnson.
The slots in the flooring have raised edges that stop manure from spreading side-ways so it's forced down through the slots. The raised edges also provide more traction for animals, he adds.
Designed primarily for nurseries, EverClean flooring sells for $10 per 16 by 24-in. panel.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, EverClean Plastic Flooring, 100 Borderline Drive,. Box 834, Cherokee, Iowa 51012 (ph 800 326-4821 or 712 225-4823, fax 6361)
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