1994 - Volume #18, Issue #2, Page #26
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Bearing Saver For Rotary Hoes
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This first-of-its kind greaser for grease-less bearings allows you to quickly and easily force a generous shot of grease into new or old rotary hoe bearings without having to remove the bearing. You simply remove each row wheel and give it a spin so it's turning as you force grease into its "greaseless" bearing with the Bearing Saver injector jig.
"The secret to its success is having the spiked wheel turning as it's being greased under pressure ù without damaging the seal," explains Anthony Feldt, manufacturer and co-inventor (along with Harold Wilhelm, of Happy, Texas) of the device. "We're recommending that it be used once a year to double or triple the life of both new and used rotary hoe bearings. Once you've dis-assembled the spike wheels, it only takes a few seconds to put the wheel, with the bearing left intact and in place, into the tailor-made jig and give it a generous shot of grease."
Sells for $99, including the grease gun. Feldt is finalizing plans for marketing a universal rig that will grease all types of greaseless bearings up to 2 in. inside diameter.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Feldt Sales, Rt. 1, Box 2, Park, Kan. 67751 (ph 913 673-4280, or 4281).

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