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Old Rototiller Gearbox Drives Bin Drag Auger
"A gearbox salvaged from an old garden Rototiller works great for powering a 10-ft long drag auger inside my grain bins," says Alfred Steinke, Bismarck, N. Dak.
The gearbox mounts on "legs" made from a pair of 3/4-in. dia. pieces of metal conduits. The auger was salvaged from an unloading auger off an old IH 140 combine. It attaches to one end of the rototiller's beater shaft. A 1/3 hp electric motor is used to belt-drive the gearbox which in turn drives the beater shaft. A shield covers the V-belt and pulleys on the motor and transmission.
"It's safe to use because it turns slowly. The belt will slip or the motor will stop if anything gets tangled up in the auger. Many farmers are injured by conventional drag augers because they go fast."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Alfred Steinke, Rt. 5, Box 175, Bismarck, N. Dak. 58501 (ph 701223-4732).

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #1