1996 - Volume #20, Issue #4, Page #28
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Low-Cost Mechanical Bale Dump For Pickups
Tom Ranes, Kinta, Okla., says the mechanical "bale dump" he made for his 3/4-ton Chevy pickup doesn't require any hydraulics or cables to unload its cargo of two big bales - movement of the pickup going for-ward dumps the bales out the back.A steel rack made from 2-in. dia. pipe lays in the pickup bed between the fenders. The back of the frame hinges on a 2-in. dia. pipe.
Ranes uses a front-end loader to place two bales onto the bale rack. To unload, he simply inserts an L-shaped "lift leg" - made from 1 1/2-in. dia. pipe - into each end of the headache rack at the front of the bale carrier. The lift legs are braced against the ground so that as the truck moves ahead, they force the bale carrier up to dump the bale. As the truck continues to move for-ward, the bale rack automatically lowers back into the bed."It's not the fastest way to haul bales but it's easy to use and doesn't cost much to build. I spent only about $50 when I built the first one in the early 1970's. The same idea could be used to make a dump box for a pickup or small trailer."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Tom Ranes, Rt. 1, Box 1920, Kinta, Okla. 74552 (ph 918 768-3466).

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