1993 - Volume #17, Issue #5, Page #10
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Army Truck Silage Wagon
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"It goes through mud and snow very well and has a gas engine so it starts good, even in cold weather," says Neil, who uses the truck to fill feedbunks for his 200 beef cows.
Westerlund bought the truck with a stripped-down frame from a local town's fire department He used a chain saw to cut off the top part of the wooden box from an old H & S self-unloading wagon, leaving the sides 4 1/2 ft. high. He lengthened the unloading conveyor by 3 ft. so he wouldn't have to get as close to the feed-bunks. Power is supplied by a hydraulic pump that's belt-driven off the engine. The pump powers an orbit motor that mounts in place of wagon's pto shaft. An on-off valve mounts inside the truck cab.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Norman and Neil Westerlund, Glen Rt., Box 202, Aitkin, Minn. 56431 (ph 612 684-2358).

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