1993 - Volume #17, Issue #5, Page #17
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Air Filter Cleaning Kit
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Phillips, who showed the kit at the West-ern Farm Progress Days farm show in Regina, Canada, says he expects to have units for sale later this fall. The kit consists of a small air tank with a pipe out the top that hooks up to the dirty filter, which is en-closed inside a clear plastic bag. As 2 to 3-second bursts of air are blown into the filter, dirt and dust are caught in the bag and air is vented out the top of the bag.
"It's fast and easy to operate and can be used indoors or outdoors," says Phillips. "I built it to save money and time. It's a nuisance to send filters away for cleaning, and an 18 in. dia. one is about $25. A new one that size costs $60 to $70. It works much better than washing filters by hand because there's no need to wait for the filter to dry and there's less chance of damaging the pleats.
"I can clean even the biggest filters in only 5 to 7 minutes. They come out looking like new. I've cleaned some filters several times with no apparent damage to them. It usually takes two or three blasts of air to get each filter clean. I can clean filters up to 18 in. in dia. and up to 24 in. long. The larger the filter, the more pressure is needed. A pressure gauge mounts on the tank along with a bypass valve that keeps the pressure inside the bag from getting too high and damaging the filter. To clean big filters I have to pressurize the tank two or three times. The biggest filters take about 125 lbs. of pressure while the smallest require only 50 lbs. On filters that have an open bottom I use a steel plate to close them up.
"After the filter is clean I use a shop vacuum to remove any loose dirt on the filter. The air tank can also be used as a portable air tank for filling tires." Phil-lips says he expects the air filter cleaning kit to sell for about $300 (Canada).
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Filter-Kleen, Box 142, Weyburn, Sask., Canada S4H 2J9 (ph 306 842-5707).

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