1992 - Volume #16, Issue #2, Page #10
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Dual Wheeled Wheelbarrow
Wheelbarrows don't get much safer or easier to handle than the modified one put together by Don Vandermeer, Lake Odessa, Mich.Vandermeer fitted his standard single-wheeled wheelbarrow with dual wheels off an old feed cart by bolting the front frame to the top of a gearbox housing between the wheels. The two large wheels are fitted with good bearings so they roll easily and they give the wheelbarrow much more stability which is helpful when Vandermeer's young son Paul hauls silage to heifers. Lets him easily handle a much heavier load than he would other-wise.
Contact FARM SHOW Followup, Don Vandermeer, 8873 Thompson Rd., Lake Odessa, Mich. 48849 (ph 616 693-2706).

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