New Call A Sure-Fire Way To Get Gophers
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"There are calls for ducks, coyotes, deer, elk and many other animals, so why not one for gophers," says Charlie Andrews, who along, with Kevin Caine, has just introduced the world's first gopher call. They say it brings them right up out of their tunnels so you can shoot them. Works on pocket and striped gophers.
The two men got the idea from a 1977 Subaru with a squeaky door. Whenever Andrews opened the door, he noticed gophers would come out of the ground. So he and Caine set out to make an artificial call that would sound just like the squeaky door.
"It makes the same whistle, chirping-type noise that gophers make," Andrews says. "What makes this different from any other animal call is that you suck through it in-stead of blow into it."
It consists simply of a 5 1/2-in. spiral tube inside a hand-held hardwood box. Sucking air out the box produces a staccato whistle that carries across an entire pasture.
Using the call, Andrews and Caine can shoot gophers for six or eight hours without moving from one spot. "We've killed as many as 300 gophers each in a day. The call also appears to work on prairie dogs, wood chucks and badgers," Andrews says.
Sells for $11.95.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, K.C.'s Gopher Call, 5350 Love Lane, Bozeman, Mont. 59715 (ph 406 586-1541, fax 585-9028).

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New Call A Sure-Fire Way To Get Gophers MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT Pest Animals 20-4-25 "There are calls for ducks, coyotes, deer, elk and many other animals, so why not one for gophers," says Charlie Andrews, who along, with Kevin Caine, has just introduced the world's first gopher call. They say it brings them right up out of their tunnels so you can shoot them. Works on pocket and striped gophers.
The two men got the idea from a 1977 Subaru with a squeaky door. Whenever Andrews opened the door, he noticed gophers would come out of the ground. So he and Caine set out to make an artificial call that would sound just like the squeaky door.
"It makes the same whistle, chirping-type noise that gophers make," Andrews says. "What makes this different from any other animal call is that you suck through it in-stead of blow into it."
It consists simply of a 5 1/2-in. spiral tube inside a hand-held hardwood box. Sucking air out the box produces a staccato whistle that carries across an entire pasture.
Using the call, Andrews and Caine can shoot gophers for six or eight hours without moving from one spot. "We've killed as many as 300 gophers each in a day. The call also appears to work on prairie dogs, wood chucks and badgers," Andrews says.
Sells for $11.95.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, K.C.'s Gopher Call, 5350 Love Lane, Bozeman, Mont. 59715 (ph 406 586-1541, fax 585-9028).
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