1985 - Volume #9, Issue #4, Page #06
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Tow Behind Sprayer Fits Planter, Cultivator
"I like it because I can put herbicide down and apply starter fertilizer as I plant, saving a trip. I also don't have to worry about bad weather and getting back into the field to spray once the crop's up," says Montag.
The sprayer has two separate tanks ù a 300-gal. tank for fertilizer and pesticides and a 150-gal. tank for starter fertilizer. He attaches the sprayer on his 8-row International 56-planter that's equipped with five inter-plant rows for plantting narrow row soybeans. The sprayer fits on two short 5 by7-in. toolbar sections (same size as the cultivator toolbar) that Montag installed near the front of the planter.
The sprayer's equipped with 360? pivoting wheels for making turns. The smaller spray tank has an electric pump and the larger tank has a pto-drive centrifugal pump. He ran hoses from each tank to each row unit and installed separate valve shut-offs to the splitter units.
The planter is mounted on the tractor's 2-pt. arms which lift the front of the planter. Montag modified the hydraulic linkage so the back of the planter now lifts off the sprayer frame.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Roger Montag, Rodman, Iowa 50580 (ph 515 887-4752).
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