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What's That Car Doing Up There?
Noel Evans found an unusual, eye-catching way to "top off" his silo.
Two years ago, Evans was looking for a way to get people to "discover" the car, camper and boat storage service he operates on his hobby farm located 5 miles south of Marshfield, Wis. To get their attention, he perched a car on top of an empty, unused 40 ft. silo. Drivers on state highway 13, which runs by the farm, are sure to see it.
"During the summer, a lot of non-local tourists stop by to take pictures, and to ask "What's that car doing up there?", says Evans.
To lift the car, a 1967 Chevrolet Impala with the engine removed, onto the top of the empty silo, Evans hired a local construction crane operator. The operation took 2 hours and cost $157.
Before the crane came out, Evans built a frame for the car, setting 2 telephone poles parallel to each other, 5 ft. apart, so they'd fit lengthwise inside the car wheels. "The weight of the car on the poles anchors the display on top of the silo," says Evans.
He cut a hole in the floor of the car, allowing him to climb up the silo chute, through the hole and into the front seat of the car. "Sitting up there in the driver's seat provides a panoramic view of the surrounding countryside. It's my Sunday afternoon cabin up north," says Evans.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Noel Evans, 8627 Hwy. 13 South, Marshfield, Wis. 54449 (ph 715 676-3659).

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1988 - Volume #12, Issue #2