1992 - Volume #16, Issue #2, Page #29
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Smoking Gun Barbeque
When Kenneth Randt read in FARM SHOW about a gun-shaped barbeque built by a California inventor (Vol. 14, No. 5), he inquired about having one custom-built."He wanted almost $5,000 for it so I decided to build my own," says Randt of Winona, Minn. His "smoking gun barbeque" is 5 ft. high and 10 ft. long and the handle mounts on a pivot point that allows it to rotate in any direction depending on which way the wind is blowing.
"My neighbors think it's great. It's made out of 16-ga metal and has an 8-in. pipe for a barrel. Cooking is done on two removable grills inside the ammunition cylinder- smoke exits the barrel. It has a drawer for ashes, which can be pulled out for easy cleaning. There's a damper at the end of the gun barrel. Can be used as either a gas or charcoal burning grill.
"I modeled it after an old 10-in. Daisy pistol - 1 ft. equals 1 in. in scale. I showed the gun in a parade last year and got a lot of good comments on it."
If there's enough interest, Randt will sell step-by-step plans for the barbeque.
For more information, contact FARM SHOW Followup, Kenneth Randt, 4050 26th St. S.E., Willmar, Minn. 56201 (ph 612 235-5734).

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