Plastic Backboard Immobilizes Injured Patients
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Members of rural ambulance crews may be interested in a plastic backboard I designed to replace wooden backboards frequently used to immobilize injured patients. Hand-holds around the perimeter of the board make it easier to get a good grip, even with gloves on, and there's enough room in the grips to insert tie-down straps. The concave surface makes it easier to keep a patient in the center of the board, and interior slots facilitate strapping down injured youngsters . Also, the plastic "Bak-Pak" won't harbor bacteria like wood so emergency technicians don't have to worry about being infected by splinters as they do with wooden backboards.
Sells for $149.50 in a variety of colors. We also make a disposable backboard strap-ping system known as "Strap-Pak"that sells for $5.80 for a set of three (not including buckles). (Jim Doherty, Emergency Products & Research, 890 West Main St., Kent, Ohio 44240 ph 800 322-5725 or 216 673-5003)

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Plastic Backboard Immobilizes Injured Patients FARM HOME Miscellaneous 18-2-36 Members of rural ambulance crews may be interested in a plastic backboard I designed to replace wooden backboards frequently used to immobilize injured patients. Hand-holds around the perimeter of the board make it easier to get a good grip, even with gloves on, and there's enough room in the grips to insert tie-down straps. The concave surface makes it easier to keep a patient in the center of the board, and interior slots facilitate strapping down injured youngsters . Also, the plastic "Bak-Pak" won't harbor bacteria like wood so emergency technicians don't have to worry about being infected by splinters as they do with wooden backboards.
Sells for $149.50 in a variety of colors. We also make a disposable backboard strap-ping system known as "Strap-Pak"that sells for $5.80 for a set of three (not including buckles). (Jim Doherty, Emergency Products & Research, 890 West Main St., Kent, Ohio 44240 ph 800 322-5725 or 216 673-5003)
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