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Flat Fold Markers For Deere Planters, Drills
After three years of heavy use, Gerard Howard of Goderich, Ontario, says he's pleased with the "flat fold" markers he made to mount on both his Deere Max-Emerge planter and Great Plains drill.
"One cylinder on each side folds them out automatically, controlled by a sequencing valve. There's breakaway protection and greasable hinge points. I fitted them with an 18-in. notched blade and a depth band so they make a mark that's easily visible, even in heavy trash," says Howard.
Made from heavy gauge square tubing, Howard says he's been so happy with the performance of his markers that he's started building them for sale. "They mount on most drills, including the Deere 750, and fit Deere row crop planters. We make them in 15 and 20-ft. models. They come complete with sequence valve, cylinders and hoses."
A set of 15-ft. markers sells for $1,500 (Canadian). A set of 20-ft. markers sells for $1,600 (Canadian).
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Gerard Howard, Howard Farms, Rt. 3, Goderich, Ontario N7A 3X9 Canada (ph 519 529-7250).

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1996 - Volume #20, Issue #1