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Fertilizer Injector For Ridge Till Ground
"We figure it'll cut our fertilizer cost 40 to 50%," says Minnesota farmer Floyd Olson who rigged up this applicator for "injecting" dry fertilizer into ridge-till corn ground.
Equipped for 3-pt. mounting, the applicator covers 12 30-in. rows and bands dry fertilizer 3 to 4 in. deep on top of each ridge, slightly to one side of center where corn will be placed at planting time.
The fertilizer hoppers and disc openers, mounted on a 5 by 7-in. toolbar, are from Deere planters.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Floyd Olson, Rt. 2, Box 47, Sherburn, Minn. 56171 (ph 507 639-6890).

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1987 - Volume #11, Issue #1