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Power Broom Moves Liquids, Grain
"Works great for clearing snow, cleaning out shops, sweeping grain out of Quonset huts, etc. It can even be used on liquid manure," says Ron Bergman, Bottineau, N. Dak., who invented the new "Power Broom" together with his partner Paul Sund.
The hand-held unit consists of a 22 1/2-in. wide rotating sweeper drum equipped with 12 rubber fins. The drum is mounted on a conventional Shindaiwa hand-held grass trimmer shaft equipped with a 1 1/2 hp 2-cycle gas pull-start engine. The drum rotates from the bottom forward to throw material directly ahead of the operator. By turning it upside down you can pull the fins back toward you, allowing you to pull in material from under trees, bushes, fences, etc.
An optional 13-in. high shield mounts just above the drum to keep material from being thrown back at the operator.
Sells for $699.95. Shield sells for $29.95.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Shindaiwa, Box 1090, Tualatin, Ore. 97062 (ph 503 692-3070) or Ron Bergman, 605 Main St., Bottineau, N. Dak. 58318 (ph 701 228-3842).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2