1992 - Volume #16, Issue #2, Page #11
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Add-On Auger Returns Unthreshed Grain
When the cylinder and shaft on his son-in-law's Massey Ferguson 750 combine rethresher wore out, Herman Ulrich re-placed the rethresher with an auger that returns rethresher grain from the elevator back to the feederhouse."It would have cost about $500 to re-place the rethresher. I already had the auger and spent a total of $60 for a pulley, two bearings, and a 5-ft. length of flexible hose," says Ulrich, of Lampman, Sask. "On most other combines an auger re-turns unthreshed grain to the feederhouse, but Massey combines use a separate re-thresher. One company makes an add-on return auger for Massey combines but it costs about $2,400."
Ulrich removed the rethresher and used straps to bolt the 11-ft. long, 6-in. dia.auger to the side of the combine. He mounted a pulley at the bottom of the elevator and rerouted two idler pulleys so he could belt-drive the bottom end of the auger. He also mounted a bearing on each end of the auger. He used sheet metal to build a spout that delivers unthreshed grain by gravity from the top of the elevator down the bottom of the auger.
He welded a short length of 6-in. dia. tubing to a steel plate and bolted the plate to the top of the feederhouse. He welded another short length of 6-in. dia. tubing to the auger spout. He then ran a length of flexible hose between the auger and feederhouse.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Herman Ulrich, Box 1, Lampman, Sask. Canada S0C 1N0 (ph 306 487-2469).

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