1988 - Volume #12, Issue #1, Page #26
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Shop Stove Made From Water Heater
"When we decided to cut costs by building a wood-fired shop heater, we looked at many different ways of making our own. We finally decided to use an old discarded 80-gal. hot water heater," says Lonnie Erbes, Colfax, N. Dak."We cut a lid out of the top of the heater so we can load big logs down into the heater. We installed a grate towards the bottom of the heater made out of 1-in. dia. steel tubes that run all the way through the heater. An old fan is attached to a housing at one end of the grate tubes. It blows air through the grate to keep it from burning up, and circulates hot air.
"We enclosed the entire heater in a square housing made with sheet metal and 1/2-in. angle iron. We attached a large furnace fan to the rear of the housing. It blows air up and out the top of the housing. A large ceiling fan above the heater circulates the air.
"Total cost was only about $60. It works extremely well. Four or five logs will burn all day."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Lonnie Erbes, Colfax, N. Dak. 58018.
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