Concrete Mailbox
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If you're looking for a mailbox that's both distinctive and durable, take a look at this new Bohlmann-built concrete mailbox. It features a regulation standard size (20.5 in. deep and 9 in. wide) metal mailbox covered with an inch-thick shell of rein-forced concrete laced with decorative stone.
Sells for $159.95, complete with flag and concrete mounting post. Never needs painting. The metal mailbox slips inside the concrete protective shell and can be re-placed if and when it rusts or wears out.
Optional side mounted plate with your name on it sells for $9.95.
Contact: "FARM SHOW Followup, Bohlmann Concrete Specialties, 39 South 7th St., Denison, Iowa 51442 (ph 1 800 533-4516, or 712 263-4370).

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Concrete Mailbox FARM HOME Miscellaneous 18-2-38 If you're looking for a mailbox that's both distinctive and durable, take a look at this new Bohlmann-built concrete mailbox. It features a regulation standard size (20.5 in. deep and 9 in. wide) metal mailbox covered with an inch-thick shell of rein-forced concrete laced with decorative stone.
Sells for $159.95, complete with flag and concrete mounting post. Never needs painting. The metal mailbox slips inside the concrete protective shell and can be re-placed if and when it rusts or wears out.
Optional side mounted plate with your name on it sells for $9.95.
Contact: "FARM SHOW Followup, Bohlmann Concrete Specialties, 39 South 7th St., Denison, Iowa 51442 (ph 1 800 533-4516, or 712 263-4370).
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