Poison Bait Dispensers
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I make these simple poison bait dispensers to mount on the handlebars of motorcycles or ATV's for poisoning ground squirrels, prairie dogs, and other tunneling pest animals. It's all metal with a hopper bottom tank that holds 2 gal. of bait. A simple gravity feed mechanism is tripped by pulling a string. It drops a small amount of poisoned bait down each hole. Can be done without taking your hands off the handlebars. I've sold hundreds of these units over the past 5 years. They sell for $78. (Doug Racher, Box 566, Nanton, Alberta T0L IR0 Canada ph 403 549-2299)

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Poison Bait Dispensers ATV'S ATV'S 15-3-33 I make these simple poison bait dispensers to mount on the handlebars of motorcycles or ATV's for poisoning ground squirrels, prairie dogs, and other tunneling pest animals. It's all metal with a hopper bottom tank that holds 2 gal. of bait. A simple gravity feed mechanism is tripped by pulling a string. It drops a small amount of poisoned bait down each hole. Can be done without taking your hands off the handlebars. I've sold hundreds of these units over the past 5 years. They sell for $78. (Doug Racher, Box 566, Nanton, Alberta TOL IRO Canada ph 403 549-2299)
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