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Ticket Tracker Compurter Program
My new Ticket Tracker computer program is designed to keep track of weight tickets at harvest. The menu-driven program can be easily operated by people with little or no computer experience. It tracks tickets by farm, field, elevator, delivery location, trucking company, and truck driver using 3-digit codes that are easily accessible - ing a "hot-key". The program allows you ter, instantly figure the shrink on a per ticket - basis, allowing you to view the wet and dry pounds as each ticket is entered. R e - ports can be printed to the screen or printer, and "mix-and-match" criteria can be used to print tickets for a specific field, farm, or a 'grand total. The program sorts all reports by ticket number for easy comparisons. Totals on reports are printed in an easy-toread format at the bottom of each report.
Setup is simple, allowing the user to de-fine such things as farm name, pounds per bushel, base moisture, and shrink per point. Ticket Tracker can be operated on IBM or compatible computers equipped with 256K RAM, DOS 3.2+, and VGA, EGA, CGS monitors.
The program sells for $150. A demo disk is available that sells for $10. Cost of the demo disk is refunded if you buy the pro-gram. (Steven Smith, Ticket Tracker, Rt. 3, Box 123, West Point, Miss. 39773 ph 601494-1387)

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2