Silage Puller Mskes Big Piles Work
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"The only problem with trying to limit spoil-age by storing silage in big piles instead of small ones is how to get it down to feed with conventional handling equipment," says Loren Smith, Elkton, S. Dak., who built a big, hydraulically operated hook he calls "The One-Armed Bandit".
He uses it to reach up and pull down silage from huge piles, some of which are 30 ft. high.
The silage puller is built from an old culvert-laying machine that was originally operated by a winch and cable. "We re-moved the winch and cable and replaced them with a hydraulic system, including a big cylinder mounted on the machine's tongue," he says. "We extended the length of the boom with I-beam so it reaches up 30 ft. Then we made a claw using a beam off an old plow and fitted it with hooks that pull silage down.
"We operate the puller simply by backing it up to the pile with a tractor, then lowering the hooks into the top and pulling for-ward."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Loren Smith, R.R. 1, Box 69, Elkton, S. Dak. 57026 (ph 605 997-5240).

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Silage Puller Mskes Big Piles Work HAY & FORAGE HARVESTING Accessories 20-4-18 "The only problem with trying to limit spoil-age by storing silage in big piles instead of small ones is how to get it down to feed with conventional handling equipment," says Loren Smith, Elkton, S. Dak., who built a big, hydraulically operated hook he calls "The One-Armed Bandit".
He uses it to reach up and pull down silage from huge piles, some of which are 30 ft. high.
The silage puller is built from an old culvert-laying machine that was originally operated by a winch and cable. "We re-moved the winch and cable and replaced them with a hydraulic system, including a big cylinder mounted on the machine's tongue," he says. "We extended the length of the boom with I-beam so it reaches up 30 ft. Then we made a claw using a beam off an old plow and fitted it with hooks that pull silage down.
"We operate the puller simply by backing it up to the pile with a tractor, then lowering the hooks into the top and pulling for-ward."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Loren Smith, R.R. 1, Box 69, Elkton, S. Dak. 57026 (ph 605 997-5240).
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