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Low-To-The-Ground Bale Hauling Trailer
Here's a heavy-built bale hauling trailer that's built low to the ground for bale hauling and to allow it to be used as a mobile bale feeder in winter.
The main frame is made out of 6 by 6-in. I-beams that run the full length of the trailer, with two cross bars. The frame hinges on one side. Two 4 by 24-in. cylinders dump bales off the side.
The bale hauler has a 12-ton tandem axle running gear, fitted with 20.5 by 8 by 10 10-ply tires which keep it low to the ground.
"It'll haul as many as eighteen 4 by 6ft. bales and dump them off the side. In win-ter, I put 4 bales on the trailer lengthwise, end-to-end and let cattle feed right off the trailer," says Carroll Crum, Littlestown, Penn., noting that the trailer is low enough to the ground so he can load bales onto it for feeding with a 3-pt. hitch bale hauler.
He also designed the trailer so he can add 4 upright standards for hauling logs. "It's built heavy enough to haul a big load," says Crum.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Carroll Crum, 111 Harney Rd., Littlestown, Penn. 17340.

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1996 - Volume #20, Issue #5