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String Trimmer Mounts On Riding Mower
Trimming grass around trees, telephone poles, and buildings is a lot easier for Rollan Schnitker, Hoyleton, Ill., since he mounted a 12-volt Ryobi string trimmer on his Cub Cadet riding mower. He modified the re-chargeable trimmer by wiring it direct to the tractor battery.
"It saves a lot of walking because I never have to get off the mower," says Schnitker. "I make a second pass with the mower after I'm done mowing and do all my trimming right from the seat. I drive very slowly and trim at the same time."
The original rechargeable battery pack on the 10-in. string timmer made it too big to handle while riding the mower. He cut off the battery and handle and attached a newer, shorter handle. He screwed a clip-type broom holder onto the left side of the mower to hold the trimmer.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Rollan Schnitker, 276 E. Elm St., Hoyleton, Ill. 62803 (ph 618 493-6266).

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1996 - Volume #20, Issue #5