A Bright New Use For Corn
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Midwestern corn and wheat growers recently unveiled "Harvest Bright," a new line of household cleansers made from corn-based ethanol and pack-aged in eye-catching containers that look like ears of corn. The line includes a glass cleaner, tub and tile cleaner, wood oil soap, all-purpose cleaner, toilet bowl cleaner and pine-scented cleaner/disinfectant. There's also a hand cleaner/lotion available.
The products were test-marketed last winter in at least eight Midwestern states among 250 families and commercial cleaning services. Consumer response was tremendous, according to Yvonne Simon of the Minnesota Corn Growers Association.
Look for "Harvest Bright" cleansers at rural Midwest-ern grocery, hardware, convenience and farm supply stores early in 1997. They'll be priced competitively with conventional household cleansers.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Producers Renew-able Products, 855 Village Center Drive, North Oaks, Minn. 55127 (ph 612 481-1289).
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A Bright New Use For Corn CROPS Miscellaneous 20-5-5 Midwestern corn and wheat growers recently unveiled "Harvest Bright," a new line of household cleansers made from corn-based ethanol and pack-aged in eye-catching containers that look like ears of corn. The line includes a glass cleaner, tub and tile cleaner, wood oil soap, all-purpose cleaner, toilet bowl cleaner and pine-scented cleaner/disinfectant. There's also a hand cleaner/lotion available.
The products were test-marketed last winter in at least eight Midwestern states among 250 families and commercial cleaning services. Consumer response was tremendous, according to Yvonne Simon of the Minnesota Corn Growers Association.
Look for "Harvest Bright" cleansers at rural Midwest-ern grocery, hardware, convenience and farm supply stores early in 1997. They'll be priced competitively with conventional household cleansers.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Producers Renew-able Products, 855 Village Center Drive, North Oaks, Minn. 55127 (ph 612 481-1289).
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