Roll-Around Weed Whipper
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"My roll-around weed whipper reaches under fences and rolls right around fence posts. It also works great for cutting along buildings, under guard rails, etc.," says Bill Kurtz, St. Croix Falls, Wis., about his home-built king-size weed whipper.
The 3-wheeled rig, which Kurtz says works just like an ordinary string trimmer, is built on the frame of an old International hay mower and has two car wheels on front and a smaller wheel on back. The homemade 2-ft. dia. weed whipper wheel is belt-driven by a 5 hp Briggs & Stratton gas engine. The weed whipper mounts on a hinged steel arm that's free to pivot up or down on a pair of spring-loaded telescoping pipes and also forward or backward on a bearing. An adjustable gauge wheel guides the wheel over uneven ground. The wheel "walks" its way around posts, so the tractor opera-tor can drive in a straight line along the fence line.
"At first I used standard weed whip-per string but I found that it wore out too fast. I replaced the string with lengths of roller chain which work much better," says Kurtz.
He used sheets of plastic and plywood to make the weed whipper wheel with a bicycle tire wrapped around the outer edge.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Bill Kurtz, 2187 State Rd. 87, St. Croix Falls, Wis. 54024 (ph 715 483-3866).

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Roll-Around Weed Whipper CROPS Weed Control 20-4-11 "My roll-around weed whipper reaches under fences and rolls right around fence posts. It also works great for cutting along buildings, under guard rails, etc.," says Bill Kurtz, St. Croix Falls, Wis., about his home-built king-size weed whipper.
The 3-wheeled rig, which Kurtz says works just like an ordinary string trimmer, is built on the frame of an old International hay mower and has two car wheels on front and a smaller wheel on back. The homemade 2-ft. dia. weed whipper wheel is belt-driven by a 5 hp Briggs & Stratton gas engine. The weed whipper mounts on a hinged steel arm that's free to pivot up or down on a pair of spring-loaded telescoping pipes and also forward or backward on a bearing. An adjustable gauge wheel guides the wheel over uneven ground. The wheel "walks" its way around posts, so the tractor opera-tor can drive in a straight line along the fence line.
"At first I used standard weed whip-per string but I found that it wore out too fast. I replaced the string with lengths of roller chain which work much better," says Kurtz.
He used sheets of plastic and plywood to make the weed whipper wheel with a bicycle tire wrapped around the outer edge.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Bill Kurtz, 2187 State Rd. 87, St. Croix Falls, Wis. 54024 (ph 715 483-3866).
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