New-Style Eat'n Irons
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"We introduced Eat'n Irons at the Los Angeles County Fair and were stunned at the fantastic reaction," reports Martin Highton, president of Sunshine International. "It's the first real improvement in an eating utensil since Governor John Winthrop of Massachusetts brought the first fork to America in 1630."
Eat'n Irons combine the essential qualities of a knife, fork and spoon into one utensil. They have a knife edge along both sides (which won't cut your mouth), the tines of a fork and the contour of a spoon. Crafted from stainless steel, they save time in packing and washing. Foods such as peas and corn won't spill and you can inconspicuously spoon up gravy.
"They're a great gift idea," suggests Highton. "You can use them to serve meals in the field, in a formal setting, or for camping, backpacking or on Scout trips, We're finding that Eat'n Irons are also especially popular in hospitals and nursing homes as a valuable aid for the elderly and disabled,"
Set of six sells for $9.95, plus $1 for postage.
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Sunshine International, Box 4518, Long Beach, Ca. 90804 (ph. 213 439-0871).

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New-Style Eat'n Irons FARM HOME Food 1-2-27 "We introduced Eat'n Irons at the Los Angeles County Fair and were stunned at the fantastic reaction," reports Martin Highton, president of Sunshine International. "It's the first real improvement in an eating utensil since Governor John Winthrop of Massachusetts brought the first fork to America in 1630."
Eat'n Irons combine the essential qualities of a knife, fork and spoon into one utensil. They have a knife edge along both sides (which won't cut your mouth), the tines of a fork and the contour of a spoon. Crafted from stainless steel, they save time in packing and washing. Foods such as peas and corn won't spill and you can inconspicuously spoon up gravy.
"They're a great gift idea," suggests Highton. "You can use them to serve meals in the field, in a formal setting, or for camping, backpacking or on Scout trips, We're finding that Eat'n Irons are also especially popular in hospitals and nursing homes as a valuable aid for the elderly and disabled,"
Set of six sells for $9.95, plus $1 for postage.
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Sunshine International, Box 4518, Long Beach, Ca. 90804 (ph. 213 439-0871).
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