1987 - Volume #11, Issue #1, Page #19
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Country Trivia Game Tests Farm Knowledge
Everything you know about farming and rural life will come in handy to play a new country trivia game invented by a Kansas couple.Eric and Cherrill Lund say their game, Country Questions, combines features of both Trivial Pursuit and bingo. Players attempt to answer questions in 6 categories, each dealing with farming and rural life.
For every question answered correctly, a kernel of real hybrid corn is placed on the playing board which is arranged like a bingo card. The first player to get 6 kernels in a row wins.
Question categories include farm production, rural lifestyle, history and politics, animals and nature, entertainment and recreation, and geography. Following are samples of questions:
"When rain is on the way, do cattle stand up or lie down?" (Lie down.)
"In horseshoes, how many points is a ringer worth?" (Three points).
"What state has a larger percentage of people who work in agriculture than any other state? (North Dakota).
"Montana has four times as many what as it has people?" (Cattle).
"What percent of the U.S. gross national product does farming account for: 5%, 10%, 20% or 30%?" (30%)
"What three countries producethe most wheat?" (U.S., Russia, and China)
Six people can play the game at once. It includes 2,100 questions plus 300 additional ones targeted to children. The Lunds have sold hundreds of games since they first put the game on the market last fall at $16.95 apiece. They sell it in local stores and nationally through the mail (plus $2.50 postage).
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Prairie Products, P.O. Box 2664, Salina, Kan. 67402 (ph 913 823-2014).

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