120 Ft Clear Span Bird Proof Building
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"It eliminates virtually every problem associated with steel buildings and pole barns," says Bruce Meidinger, Bismarck, N. Dak., about his patented new wood-frame farm building that he builds with clear spans up to 120 ft. for as little as half the cost of steel-frame buildings. What's more, the new "Eagle Rigid" buildings can be easily finished off with inexpensive bat-type insulation since spacers between the trusses and sidewall supports are on 2-ft. centers.
Meidinger says one of the things farmers like most about his new building is that it's virtually "bird proof" since there are no rafters for birds to perch on. Dust is also much less of a problem since it has no place to gather.
The internal design of the new-style truss is the key to its success. "Nearly all the major farm building manufacturers have approached me about buying my truss to use with their buildings but we won't sell because we've got a unique product. There's nothing else like it on the market," says Meidinger. His truss features internal diagonal webbing - all made out of wood - that gives it the strength to span wide widths and yet still stand up to commercially-rated roof loads. "The widest clear span wood-frame buildings on the market up to now have been about 80 ft. with expensive box-beam type construction. Steel buildings can go wider but they're much more expensive to put up and about three times as expensive to finish off inside."
Pole barns and metal-frame buildings must use more expensive foam-type insulation and metal screws to finish off inside. Meidinger says many farmers finish off his new Eagle Rigid buildings themselves because they can buy rolls of insulation and staple it in place like finishing off a house. Wall-board can be nailed in place.
The biggest demand for the new building so far has been for machinery storage. "The most popular size is 40 by 90. Most farmers wall off a corner pf it to be heated as a shop area. Our building makes that easy to do. Others like to close off one corner for a bathroom. It's very versatile," says Meidinger who has been a farming building con-tractor for 14 years. He says Eagle Rigid buildings cost "slightly more" than a good pole building and a lot less than a steel building. The building rests on a concrete foundation so it's "rodent resistant".
There are many options available, including panel liners for storing grain inside. Some 40 units have already been sold and Meidinger says most of his new business is coming from word-of-mouth referrals from happy customers. The building is being actively marketed throughout the west and Midwest and Meidinger is looking for dealers in the rest of the country. The buildings can be shipped anywhere for erection by a local contractor.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Bruce Meidinger, Eagle Rigid Spans, Inc., P.O. Box 1213, Bismarck, N. Dak. 58502 (ph 701 224-1877).

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120 ft clear span bird proof building BUILDINGS Miscellaneous 14-5-4 "It eliminates virtually every problem associated with steel buildings and pole barns," says Bruce Meidinger, Bismarck, N. Dak., about his patented new wood-frame farm building that he builds with clear spans up to 120 ft. for as little as half the cost of steel-frame buildings. What's more, the new "Eagle Rigid" buildings can be easily finished off with inexpensive bat-type insulation since spacers between the trusses and sidewall supports are on 2-ft. centers.
Meidinger says one of the things farmers like most about his new building is that it's virtually "bird proof" since there are no rafters for birds to perch on. Dust is also much less of a problem since it has no place to gather.
The internal design of the new-style truss is the key to its success. "Nearly all the major farm building manufacturers have approached me about buying my truss to use with their buildings but we won't sell because we've got a unique product. There's nothing else like it on the market," says Meidinger. His truss features internal diagonal webbing - all made out of wood - that gives it the strength to span wide widths and yet still stand up to commercially-rated roof loads. "The widest clear span wood-frame buildings on the market up to now have been about 80 ft. with expensive box-beam type construction. Steel buildings can go wider but they're much more expensive to put up and about three times as expensive to finish off inside."
Pole barns and metal-frame buildings must use more expensive foam-type insulation and metal screws to finish off inside. Meidinger says many farmers finish off his new Eagle Rigid buildings themselves because they can buy rolls of insulation and staple it in place like finishing off a house. Wall-board can be nailed in place.
The biggest demand for the new building so far has been for machinery storage. "The most popular size is 40 by 90. Most farmers wall off a corner pf it to be heated as a shop area. Our building makes that easy to do. Others like to close off one corner for a bathroom. It's very versatile," says Meidinger who has been a farming building con-tractor for 14 years. He says Eagle Rigid buildings cost "slightly more" than a good pole building and a lot less than a steel building. The building rests on a concrete foundation so it's "rodent resistant".
There are many options available, including panel liners for storing grain inside. Some 40 units have already been sold and Meidinger says most of his new business is coming from word-of-mouth referrals from happy customers. The building is being actively marketed throughout the west and Midwest and Meidinger is looking for dealers in the rest of the country. The buildings can be shipped anywhere for erection by a local contractor.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Bruce Meidinger, Eagle Rigid Spans, Inc., P.O. Box 1213, Bismarck, N. Dak. 58502 (ph 701224-1877).
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