1996 - Volume #20, Issue #4, Page #10
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24-Ft Tandem Disk Made From 32-Ft Offset
One problem with Gene Brumbaugh's 32-ft. offset disk was that it was too wide for most of the roads in his part of the country. Another was that the Caterpillar 36 AD8H he used to pull it was too heavy for wet ground."I figured if I cut it down and made a tandem disk out of it, I could transport it over our roads and I could pull it with my Deere 8640," says the Cascade, Idaho, farmer. "I couldn't see just parking that big disk - its 24-in. dia. blades are worth $4,000 alone - and paying $15,000 to $18,000 for a new tandem disk."
He turned the International disk into a 24-ft. tandem rig by cutting off the V-shaped tongue and hitch and separating the four 8-ft. gangs. He built a 14 ft. sq. frame out of 4 by 6, 5/16-in. thick steel tubing. A pivoting axle out of 4-in. dia. pipe mounts in brackets on each side. He fitted the axle with dual 8-hole rims and 15-in. off-road tires off a Ford pickup.
He mounted hydraulic cylinders be-hind each of the dual wheels so sides raise and lower in tandem. He built a tongue that connects to the axle with a hinge so the front disk gangs, consisting of two 8-ft. sections and two sections cut down to 4 ft., self-level. Rear gangs, also consisting of two 8-ft. and two 4-ft. sections, are rigid.
Brumbaugh converted the disk two years ago. "It's one of the best-pulling disks I've ever used," he says.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Gene Brumbaugh, 290 Gray Ln., Cascade, Idaho 83611 (ph 208 382-3330).

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