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PIpe Bridge For Farm Roads
A Virginia farmer built a 6-ft. wide irrigation "pipe bridge" that lets heavy trucks, tractors, etc., drive over irrigation pipe running across farm roads without damaging the pipe.
Warren Teates, of Rustburg, built his "pipe bridge" from used scrap metal to protect a 6-in. dia. pipe that supplies water to his traveling gun irrigation system.
"We irrigate fields on several different farms so we have to run the pipe across several different farm roads," says Teates. "Our pipe bridge lets us drive trucks weighing up to 20 tons right over the pipe without damage. The bridge consists of three sections we can haul on a trailer. We use a front-end loader and chains to handle the sections."
The three sections include two 4-ft. long ramps built from 21/2-in. angle iron welded onto a pair of steel "H" beams that are tapered down at one end. A 12-in. high, 16-in. wide steel "box", welded together out of 1/4-in. thick steel plate, is placed over the pipe between the two ramps. A pair of small steel prongs on each side of the box keep the ramps from moving from side to side.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Warren Teates, Lakewood Farm, Rt.1, Box 42, Rustburg, Va. 24588 (ph 804 332-6289).

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #1