PVC Pipe Drill-Fill Auger
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I used a 6-in. PVC pipe to make a drill-fill auger that mounts on our soybean drill. Driven by an orbit motor powered by the tractor pulling the drill, the auger eliminated the need for the tractor we previously used to pto-drive an auger when filling seed boxes out of a gravity box. The auger attaches to a pivot point on the drill with a single pin. To fill the hopper, I can pick up the intake end of the auger with one hand and rotate it over to the gravity wagon.
To make the auger, I used flighting salvaged from an auger I used to use to fill bins. I made end caps for the auger in my shop, cutting a cap out of sheet metal and fitting it over the end of the auger. Between the cap and the end of the auger I fitted a circular piece of plate steel that's fitted with a bearing at center. I welded all components together to make a tight end cap.
The discharge end of the auger has a similar cap but I installed an orbit motor from a down corn reel on it to drive the auger. (David Drake, RR, Girard, W. 62640)

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PVC Pipe Drill-Fill Auger DRILLS Drills (42C) 18-2-35 I used a 6-in. PVC pipe to make a drill-fill auger that mounts on our soybean drill. Driven by an orbit motor powered by the tractor pulling the drill, the auger eliminated the need for the tractor we previously used to pto-drive an auger when filling seed boxes out of a gravity box. The auger attaches to a pivot point on the drill with a single pin. To fill the hopper, I can pick up the intake end of the auger with one hand and rotate it over to the gravity wagon.
To make the auger, I used flighting salvaged from an auger I used to use to fill bins. I made end caps for the auger in my shop, cutting a cap out of sheet metal and fitting it over the end of the auger. Between the cap and the end of the auger I fitted a circular piece of plate steel that's fitted with a bearing at center. I welded all components together to make a tight end cap.
The discharge end of the auger has a similar cap but I installed an orbit motor from a down corn reel on it to drive the auger. (David Drake, RR, Girard, W. 62640)
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