1988 - Volume #12, Issue #6, Page #07
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School Bus Bale Hauler
"Total out-of-pocket cost for this big bale hauler was $1,600," says Barry Smith about the flatbed rig he fashioned from a salvaged school bus. It'll carry 11 big round bales (5-ft. dia.) or 200 square bales. The converted bus is also used to carry a 1,500 gal. water tank at various times of the year.The first step in converting the 1968 Dodge 44 passenger bus was to cut away the body of the bus right behind the driver's seat. The front "cab" was then sealed off with sheet metal. "Then we built a 10 by 22-ft. wooden deck on back. The only other thing we had to do was to rewire the rear taillights and give the cab a new paint job," says Smith.
The bale hauler is equipped with a 318 cu. in. motor and a 2-speed axle. It's licensed and fully equipped for road travel. "We've hauled hay from as far away as 25 miles driving 25 mph fully loaded. We've had little trouble with the unit for the five years we've used it," says Smith.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Barry Smith, Glenella, Manitoba Canada R0J 0V0 (ph 204 352-4463).

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