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Home-Built Wire Winder
I made a wire winder for smooth electric fence wire that has saved me many hours of labor. I had a gas driven portable post hole digger and used the power head from it. The power head sits in U-shaped brackets on a light angle iron frame. By removing one shear bolt and taking apart the wire reel, then tying the spools together they can be replaced for rolling out or the spool can be taken off of rewinder for unrolling later. This winder will pull in 1/2 to 3/4 mile of wire in a few minutes. I usually set the roller on the ground and drive two electric fence posts through tabs on bottom of the frame to anchor it. I use a heavy pair of leaher gloves to guide wire to roll evenly onto spool.
I also madea bale fork for handling round bales with my pickup. I have fed and moved thousands of bales with it. It's made of various pieces of scrap metal. One pin that goes through a frame cross member holds it to the bed of pickup. When you pull it you can slide it right out of the pickup. The tines fold straight up for safe transport. An electric winch raises and lowers the spike. It connects to an upright at the base of the spike that's made out of 4-in. channel iron. It's cab controlled. A hinge at the back of the pickup bed is made out of pipe. (Delbert Deschner, 2950 County 404 Dr., Natoma, Kan. 67651 ph 913 885-4671)

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2