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Gooseneck Gravity Wagon Dumps Out Bottom Or Side
This 400-bu. gooseneck grain cart has a hydraulic-controlled dump gate on bottom for dumping into pits and also a side-unload hydraulic-driven auger for loading out into augers.
A hydraulic pump that mounts above the back bumper is driven by a pto on a pickup. A 6-gal. fluid reservoir mounts on the cart's frame. An auger runs length-wise at the bottom of the cart and unloads into the 10-in. dia. side-unload auger. A pair of hydraulic control valves mounted on the side of the frame operates the augers and dump gate.
"It hauls almost as much as a grain truck but cost only about $5,500 to build," says Arthur Michels, Effingham, Ill. "I built it because my fields are up to 12 miles away. I go about 40 mph on the highway and use a 3/4-ton 4-WD pickup to pull it."
A 9-ft. long pto shaft connects to the pickup's transfer case. Michels also uses the pto-driven pump to operate a pickup-mounted sprayer.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Arthur Michels, 2503 N. Rainey, Effingham, Ill. 62401 (ph 217 347-2983).

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #3