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Wheelbarrow Trailer Great For Yard Work
"It does a lot less damage to our yard than a tractor with front-end loader or a skid steer loader," says Rod Slotten, Verona, Wis., about the dumping wheelbarrow trailer he built using the frame of an old riding mower.
"I used the frame and wheels from the mower, and mounted an old wheelbarrow on top with a hinge at the back end of the trailer so that it dumps its load just behind the rear wheels. It's so sturdy I've used it for picking rocks in the field. The front steering axle makes it follow in the tracks of the garden tractor."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Rod Slotten, 6654 Grandview Rd., Verona, Wis. 53593.

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2