1992 - Volume #16, Issue #2, Page #28
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Bucket Boss Turns 5-Gallon Pain Into Toolbox
You'll like this nifty new "toolbox" made out of tough, heavy nylon and designed to fit over a 5-gal. bucket.Invented by two Minnesota carpenters, the "Bucket Boss" has 16 pockets around the outside and 11 additional pockets that hug the inside of the bucket, leaving the entire interior open to hold larger tools, extension cords, etc.
Paul Maire and Bob Bierek have sold more than 200,000 of the innovative tool-holders since they came up with the idea several years ago. They started out selling them one by one at job sites but recently set up a manufacturing business to market them to wholesalers and distributors.
Sells for $24.95 (plus $2.50 postage). The company also makes other designs, including one that just has pockets on the outside of the pail, one for gardening, an all-nylon tool bag (no need for a bucket), etc.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Port-able Products, 58 E. Plato Blvd., St. Paul, Minn. 55107 (ph 800 688-2677 or 612 221-0308).

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