Deflector Strips Widen Out Windrow Behind Discbine
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Four years ago David Allen bought a New Holland 408 discbine that cuts 8 ft. 3 in. wide but is equipped with crimper rollers that are about 2 1/2 ft. narrower. He says hay took a lot longer to dry than it did when cut by his previous New Holland 460 haybine on which the width of the cuterbar matched the crimper rollers.
He solved the problem by bolting a set of 1-in. wide, 1/4-in. long metal strips to a pair of wood boards that he bolted to the deflector shield behind the crimper rolls. The metal strips deflect hay outward, making the windrow nearly as wide as the cutterhead.
"It's not a fancy idea but it works," says Allen. "Before I made the modification I had to wait an extra day for hay to dry. Now I can usually cut hay in the morning and bale the next afternoon.
"The five strips I bolted onto each board range in length from over 1 ft. at the center to about 8 in. on the outside. I drilled three holes in the deflector shield for each board so I could bolt them on. I remove the boards and strips whenever I want to chop hay for our silo. It takes only a couple of minutes to unbolt the boards."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, David L. Allen, 8997 Persia Rd., Gowanda, N.Y. 14070 (ph 716 257-9045).

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Deflector Strips Widen Out Windrow Behind Discbine HAY & FORAGE HARVESTING Miscellaneous 20-4-8 Four years ago David Allen bought a New Holland 408 discbine that cuts 8 ft. 3 in. wide but is equipped with crimper rollers that are about 2 1/2 ft. narrower. He says hay took a lot longer to dry than it did when cut by his previous New Holland 460 haybine on which the width of the cuterbar matched the crimper rollers.
He solved the problem by bolting a set of 1-in. wide, 1/4-in. long metal strips to a pair of wood boards that he bolted to the deflector shield behind the crimper rolls. The metal strips deflect hay outward, making the windrow nearly as wide as the cutterhead.
"It's not a fancy idea but it works," says Allen. "Before I made the modification I had to wait an extra day for hay to dry. Now I can usually cut hay in the morning and bale the next afternoon.
"The five strips I bolted onto each board range in length from over 1 ft. at the center to about 8 in. on the outside. I drilled three holes in the deflector shield for each board so I could bolt them on. I remove the boards and strips whenever I want to chop hay for our silo. It takes only a couple of minutes to unbolt the boards."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, David L. Allen, 8997 Persia Rd., Gowanda, N.Y. 14070 (ph 716 257-9045).
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