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Hide-Away Pouch For Cowboy Hats
A new product for keeping valuables high and dry underneath a cowboy hat debuted at the National Western Livestock Show at Denver in February.
Called the Hide-Away Pouch, it's the brainchild of Canadian rodeo and horse enthusiast, Barrie Bakstad, who began selling the pouches in western Canada earlier this year.
"They've been selling very well in the western wear stores in our area," Bakstad says. "There's talk that I may get 50,000 orders from the annual Calgary Stampede rodeo. We're also negotiating with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to sell pouches to them. And the military is interested as well."
Made of a soft fabric, the 3 by 4-in. Hide-Away Pouch attaches to the inside of cowboy or dress hats with a strip of velcro.
Hide-Away Pouches sell for $10 (Canadian). Bakstad is looking for a U.S. distributor or distributors.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Barrie Bakstad, Reindancer Products, Ltd., P.O. Box 664, Fairview, Alberta, Canada TOH ILO (ph 403 835-3752).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2