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Home-Made Hoof Trimming Stall
Hoof trimming can be one of the toughest jobs on a dairy farm, but a California dairyman has created a simple solution. John Santos, of Tulare, has designed and built his own hoof trimming stall.
The sheet metal stall is basically adapted from a feed wagon box. The foundation is anchored in concrete and the stall is moved by the hydraulic system of a tractor.
"We put ours together four years ago out of sheet metal, angle iron, pipe and cable for about $200," Santos told FARM SHOW.
To do hoof trimming, the cow is moved into the stall and two web belts are tightened underneath her belly. Four chains hold each leg in place. Then, the tractor's  hydraulic system slowly tips the stall on its side, exposing the feet for trimming. Santos says a complete trimming job takes 15-30 min. per cow, depending on the treatment required.
After trimming, the hydraulic system tips the stall back to an upright position, the straps are released and the cow walks out.
The Santos herd of 375 milk cows is in frequent need of hoof trimming, or treatment of foot problems. With his own trimming stall, Santos can do the job whenever it's needed rather than waiting for a portable trimmer to become available. He says he uses his trimming stall about 30 times a year.
For more details, contact; FARM SHOW Followup, John Santos, 4363 Ave. 232, Tulare, Cal. 93274 (ph 209-686-6011).

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1978 - Volume #2, Issue #6