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Mini Round Bales Make Sense For Small Farms
Big round bales may have made the Allis-Chalmers Roto Baler obsolete, but mini round bales still make sense for small farms and small tractors. Mini round balers from Small Farm Innovations (SFI) can make net-wrapped bales as small as 25 to 30 lbs. with only a 17 or 18-hp. tractor. SFI makes an accumulator for the mini round bales and offers a wrapper as well.
    “Our mini round balers let our customers control the quality and timing of the bales they make,” says Phil Livengood, SFI. “They no longer have to wait for the neighbor or custom hay baler to put up their hay.”
    SFI sells mini round balers from two companies in Japan, IHI and Takakita. Livengood points to the difference between those companies and the leading Chinese competitor, IBEX.
    “You can go to the IHI and Takakita websites and learn all about them,” he says. “If I went out of business, my customers could order parts directly from the company. By comparison, you can’t even find where IBEX balers are built in China.”
    IHI makes a mini-round net baler. Takakita makes a twine baler. “Most people in the last 20 years have wanted net over twine,” says Livengood. “The IHI net baler is a roller chain type and doesn’t like really tall material. However, the mini round twine baler has a forming chain that bales from tough cornstalks and Johnsongrass to gentle legumes.”
    The MRB855N from IHI makes 100 to 150 35 to 55-lb., net-wrapped, 22 by 27-in. bales per hr. It offers six density settings and mounts to the tractor’s 3-pt. hitch. The MRB855N is equipped with electronic auto-wrap but can also be controlled manually. In ideal conditions, using auto-wrap can produce more than 150 bales per hr.
    The mini round baler has a self-contained hydraulic pump and requires only pto and 12-volt connections to the tractor. SFI has been selling it since 2007.
    The Takakita RB511 DX works with either sisal or poly twine and is equipped with forming chains. It can produce as many as 100 30 to 50-lb., 20 by 29-in. bales per hour. It requires as little as 17 hp. and has a self-contained hydraulic system. It’s 3 pt. mounted and has an electronic wrapping control.
    “It has a bale kicker, so there’s no need to back up when releasing a bale,” says Livengood. “Its 36-in. wide pickup is the widest in its class, making it easier to operate and more productive.”
    SFI developed its own accumulator for the mini round balers. It’s designed to mount on front-end loaders and removes the backbreaking work of picking up bales by hand.
    “Our accumulator saves time, labor costs and the need for pain medication,” says Livengood. “It accumulates and moves up to eight mini round bales at a time.”
    The company also offers a mini round bale wrapper from Takakita. The 110-volt powered wrapper can handle up to 75 bales per hr., has three wrap settings and uses 10-in. wrapping film. The wheeled wrapper has a 33 by 69 in. footprint and is only 36 in. high.
    The IHI MRB855N is priced at $13,200, the Takakita RB511 DX at $12,900, the SFI accumulator at $2,200, and the Takakita wrapper at $4,900.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Small Farm Innovations, 3701 TX-36, Caldwell, Texas 77836 (ph 979-200-1473 or 979-200-0766; www.smallfarminnovations.com).

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2024 - Volume #48, Issue #6