1996 - Volume #20, Issue #4, Page #04
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Old Tire Makes Dandy Hand-Held Squeegee
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Kent Schelling, of Inwood, uses half-sections of 18-in. airplane tires mounted on a 5-ft. steel handle. The handle bolts to a 12 ga. galvanized steel plate attached to the upper tire sidewall.
"I call it the Sloppy Joe because it works great for moving liquid manure or water," says Schelling. "The sloppier the manure, the better it works. The plate keeps manure from splashing back at you even if you use the scraper aggressively. You can hit manure at a dead run without having it splash on you. It'll jump ledges 1 1/2 to 2 in. high.
"It's built strong enough to stand up to years of use. You can also use it to move grain or loose dirt. It reduces the amount of dust because you're pushing the material in one continuous motion instead making sweeping motions.
"I buy the airplane tires from a Texas supplier. I use airplane tires because they have the right combination of width, depth, and stiffness. The sidewalls are about 3/8 in. thick. The bias ply cords on the tire break the friction along the floor, allowing the tire to glide freely. The sidewalls on car tires are too thin and flimsy."
Sells for $35 plus S&H. Schelling is looking for dealers.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Kent Schelling, 2246 Coolidge Ave., Inwood, Iowa 51240 (ph 712 753-4625).

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