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Griddle Plate Makes Grill Two-In-One
The Griddle Top from Griddle Master is a patent-pending plate that provides a flat, versatile cooking surface that doesn’t sit on top of grates, it replaces them. This allows the top to get hotter while using less heat and provides for even heat distribution across the surface.
After a brief warm-up with all burners on low, you’re ready to start cooking. Grill Masters claims you can see savings of up to 2/3 of fuel use.
The Griddle Top is made from stainless steel. Before seasoning, clean the plate with soap, water, and a Brillo pad. Seasoning will keep food from sticking and help prevent rusting. After seasoning, its flat surface makes it easy to clean with water. The company states that it’s easy to switch between the grill grates and its Griddle Top.
Before ordering, it’s important to measure accurately. The company provides instructions and a video on its website to assist buyers. The custom-made plate shouldn’t occupy the entire width of the grill space. It’s recommended that there should be a 1 1/2-in. gap on both the left and right sides of the plate. The gaps allow pressure and heat to escape without damaging the grill or plate.
Grill Master is a veteran-owned and operated company. Its Griddle Tops are manufactured in Kansas and have sold in all 50 states, Canada, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico. Prices vary based on size options and optional rust-proofing. They range from $181 to more than $955 plus S&H. It can take up to 2 weeks for manufacturing.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Griddle Master, 6073 NW 167th St., Unit C5, Miami, Fla. 33015 (ph 305-909-2500; info@griddlemaster.com; www.griddlemaster.com).

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2024 - Volume #48, Issue #2