Phone Patch For Your CB
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If you have a two-way radio system, such as a CB, business band or any other "base station to mobile" communications, all you need to be able to receive or place local or long distance calls right from the field in your tractor or pickup cab is the new Extend-A-Phone telephone patch.
It allows you to:
1. Make telephone calls. For example, you can talk to the dealer if you break down in the field. Using your CB, you call your wife - or whomever is manning the base station at headquarters. She phones the dealer, then makes the patch via the Extend-A-Phone so you can talk to him direct. She can monitor the conversation or join it as a third party.
2. Receive telephone calls. If there's a phone call for you when you're in the field, your wife alerts you on your CB, then tells you to stand by while she makes the patch so you can talk directly to the party making the call.
Cost of the new Extend-A-Phone telephone patch is $195.95, plus whatever local installation assistance may be required to wire it into your system. Both outgoing and incoming calls can be long distance or local. Other possibilities include being able to talk by phone to another farmer who, like you, may be out in the field several states away. If he, too, has a CB and base station, it's a simple matter to make the phone connection.
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup; Intertel Communications; Art Sindt, New Products Mgr.; 5702 W. Broadway; Suite 216; Minneapolis, Minn. 55428 (ph. 612 535-3203).

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Phone Patch For Your CB FARM HOME Miscellaneous 1-2-26 If you have a two-way radio system, such as a CB, business band or any other "base station to mobile" communications, all you need to be able to receive or place local or long distance calls right from the field in your tractor or pickup cab is the new Extend-A-Phone telephone patch.
It allows you to:
1. Make telephone calls. For example, you can talk to the dealer if you break down in the field. Using your CB, you call your wife - or whomever is manning the base station at headquarters. She phones the dealer, then makes the patch via the Extend-A-Phone so you can talk to him direct. She can monitor the conversation or join it as a third party.
2. Receive telephone calls. If there's a phone call for you when you're in the field, your wife alerts you on your CB, then tells you to stand by while she makes the patch so you can talk directly to the party making the call.
Cost of the new Extend-A-Phone telephone patch is $195.95, plus whatever local installation assistance may be required to wire it into your system. Both outgoing and incoming calls can be long distance or local. Other possibilities include being able to talk by phone to another farmer who, like you, may be out in the field several states away. If he, too, has a CB and base station, it's a simple matter to make the phone connection.
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup; Intertel Communications; Art Sindt, New Products Mgr.; 5702 W. Broadway; Suite 216; Minneapolis, Minn. 55428 (ph. 612 535-3203).
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