1979 - Volume #3, Issue #3, Page #32
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Soundproof Kit For Tractor Cabs
"You can help prevent permanent ear damage and get more enjoyment out of fieldwork by sound-proofing those older tractor cabs," advises Jim Troidl, sales representative for the Egging Company, Gurley, Neb. The company sells a sound-proofing kit for older tractor cabs that consists of the same materials the company uses in manufacturing cabs for major tractor manufacturers."Eighty decibels is as much noise as the ear can stand over long periods of time without damage," says Troidl. "Many cabs on tractors over 5 years old let in up to 100 or more decibels. Owners of these tractors could eventually suffer permanent ear damage. Soundproofing these older cabs will lower the decibel level up to 20%, depending on the tractor, putting them into a much safer range."
The kit consists of 1-in. thick vinyl-backed foam material for lining the walls and ceiling. A 112 in. sound-deadening material made with baryfol - a dense, fire-resistant material - is used on the floor and against the firewall.
Because of the wide variety of cabs found on older farm- tractors, the
sound-proofing material is sold in bulk quantities - the foam in 54 in. wide rolls, and the baryfol in 4 by 8 ft. sheets. It's sold by the square foot and glued into place with a "super" adhesive which comes with the kit.
The 1-in. foam with tan-colored perforated vinyl backing sells for $2.50 a square foot, and the 112 in. baryfol for $4.30 a sq. ft.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Egging Manufacturing Co., Gurley, Neb. 69141 (ph 308 884-2233).

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