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Best Buy Sawmill And Sharpener
Sidney Stubbs, Beaver Lodge, Alta.: “I’ve used my Norwood bandsaw blade sharpener and tooth setter for more than 20 years. The sharpening stone on it is superior to other bandsaw blade sharpeners that I’ve seen. It’s much gentler.
  “When I sharpen my blades, the stone barely touches the blade tooth, giving off a tiny spark. That’s important, so it doesn’t heat the blade. My blades last me 19 1/2 hrs. on average.
  “I watch others being used, and they have big stones, and the sparks just fly. It’s no wonder they have to change blades so often. They’ll tell me theirs last only a 1 1/2 to 2 hrs.
  “My Norwood sawmill is also a best buy. It’s one of the smaller ones with only a 20-in. throat. It uses a 140-in. blade. I can sharpen one side in about 3 min. and set the teeth in 15 min. Then I flip it inside out and do the other side.
  “The sharpener and tooth setter cost me around $1,100 in 2001 when I bought it. It’s paid for itself at least five times over. It’s easy on the blades and stone. I ordered half a dozen stones when I bought it, and I still have two or three left. They last a long time, and I’ve sawn a lot of lumber.
  “The company suggests the maximum size log it will saw out is 24 in. with its 20-in. throat. However, I figured out how to cut up a tree as big as 3 ft. in diameter with it.
  “Instead of a square cant, I cut a hexagonal cant. I can cut 20-in. boards on each side, rotating the cant and reducing the diameter as I go. It takes a little wiggling, but it works.”

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2022 - Volume #46, Issue #5