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Built From Scratch Stump Ripper
“Digging out big stumps with the 16 and 24-in. buckets on my excavator puts a lot of stress on them and creates big holes in the ground, so I designed and built a special tool to handle the job,” says Mark Yax, Solon, Ohio. “It acts like a big knife to cut roots and lift a stump without doing as much damage as a bucket.”
    Yax built his Stump Ripper from three pieces of 1/2-in. thick abrasion-resistant steel. He sandwiched them together and welded them using 7018AC welding rods. For added strength, he cut two 3-in. dia. holes on the outside two pieces and welded the edges of the holes into the center piece. He cut a 1-in. hole through all three pieces to attach a clevis or hook if he needs to use the tool for pulling.
    “I gave a full-size drawing of the ripper to a friend who owns a fabricating shop, and he made the pieces with his plasma cutter,” Yax says. “He cut teeth into the front and back of the pieces and I built them up with hardfacing rod. I also hardfaced the front tip and then ground all of those areas sharp to cut roots.”
    Yax welded the shank to a 1-in. thick plate that has four gussets and six holes for bolting it onto the excavator’s mounting plate. Six high-strength 170,000 psi 3/4-in. bolts hold the two parts together.
    Yax says, “I made the ripper in two parts because I wanted to be able to attach other accessories that I’d like to build. To fit them together easily, I cut a 1-in. hole in the center of the excavator receiver that mates up with a 1-in post on the ripper.” He figures the whole setup cost him about $600 in parts, machining and labor, not much different than buying one already made, but his can also be used for other accessories.
     “I may also use the ripper to cut a slot in the soil for burying electrical lines for low voltage wiring,” says Yax.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Mark Yax, Valmark Tool LLC, 36755 Pettibone Road, Solon, Ohio 44139 (valmarktool@aol.com).

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2022 - Volume #46, Issue #4