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Self-Guided, Precision Robotic Weeder
The Photoheyler from Planungsburo Heinrich offers camera-guided, precision in-row weeding. It was developed by the German company for use in high-value, organic sugar beets.
    The Photoheyler’s precision is ensured by sensor wheels steered using hydraulic cylinders. The tractor-mounted system is synchronized with the tractor wheels automatically. It detects rows and adjusts accordingly.
    The rotor design clips weeds in row and deposits them in row centers. Each rotor is powered by its own hydraulic motor.
    Trailing cultivator hoes uproot or bury the deposited weeds. The rotor is designed to always cut at an angle of 90 degrees to the row, even on a slope.
    Precision weeding does require precision seeding of the crop. The company recommends exact seed placement in a delta configuration over the width of the machine. A Kverneland Unicorn with Geoseed Level 1 or a comparable system is suggested.
    While the Photoheyler was designed to meet the challenge of sugar beet weeding, co-founder Stefan Heinrich says it’s equally applicable to other high-value crops. All that is required is to adjust the inter-row width and the width of the tools.
    The Photoheyler does not currently have a North American distributor. However, machines can be ordered direct from the company, according to Heinrich. It has a starting price of about $143,000. Additional details are limited as the company website is only available in German.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Planungsbüro Heinrich, Münchshöfener Straße 15, 94363 Oberschneiding, Germany (ph 011 49 176 64165644; info@photoheyler.de; www.photoheyler.de). 

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2022 - Volume #46, Issue #3