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Modified Totes Store Tons Of Feed
Poultry farmer Jeff Siewicki modified four IBC totes to make a set of portable feed bins, each of which stores one ton of food for a total outlay of just $100 each.
  Most totes have a screw lid on top for filling and a ball valve at the bottom.
  To start, cut off the ball valve and then draw out the spot on the tank where you want the slide gate, which Siewicki makes out of sheet metal. He attaches brackets for the gate to slide through and then makes a feed chute to direct feed into 5-gal. buckets.
  The tanks are light enough for easy tipping when it’s time to get the last bit of feed out, and Siewicki uses a hoe to scrape out what’s left.
  Siewicki currently uses four feed tanks mounted on two trailers on his property. The trailers cost about $300 each, while the tanks came to $100 each, for a total investment of $700 to $800 to store four tons of feed on two trailers.
  These tanks can give off some moisture in the summer, meaning that mold may become an issue if you don’t use the feed within a few weeks. Siewicki recommends painting the tanks, storing them in shaded areas, or covering them with a tarp.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Jeff Siewicki, (jeffsiewicki@gmail.com; www.regenerativesuccess.com).

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2022 - Volume #46, Issue #3