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Tree Sculpture Honors U.S. Barns
After carving 11 barns into the side of an oak tree in 2020, chainsaw carver James Denkins says he’s now going to focus on carving barn designs on benches he makes at Iowa fairs and town celebrations.
The Michigan chainsaw artist caught the attention of Jan Corey Arnett, an author and barn enthusiast, who lives near Battle Creek, Mich. When their red oak tree with a 13-ft. circumference started to die, she and her husband had it cut down to a 15-ft. stump for a sculpture. After considering other ideas, they decided to make it a tribute to barns.
Denkins studied the tree and marked out places for 11 barns with three of them three-dimensional and the rest relief cut. Going through photos from her research, Corey Arnett chose her favorites as well as barns that represented different eras and styles. An octagonal barn tops the sculpture that includes 10 barns from Michigan and one Wisconsin barn.
“Oak isn’t as bad as you think to carve,” Denkins says. Though pine and softer woods are more common for U.S. carvers, he had experience carving oak at Germany’s world carving competitions. “That’s all they use there. Oak lasts a long time.”
Using photos, Denkins carefully copied each barn’s details starting with a chainsaw. After that, he used a 4-in. angle grinder with heavy grit sanding discs, followed by a 1/4-in. die grinder with Saburrtooth bits. He burned depth lines with a torch to define rocks, logs and other details before finishing up with a band file, a mini 1/2-in. belt sander and a radial bristle brush to smooth it off. Finally, he protected the sculpture by spraying it with Australian Timber Oil.
For Corey Arnett and her husband, the sculpture has a dual purpose. It saves part of a 150-year-old tree they treasured, and it pays tribute to American barns.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, J.W.’s Custom Carvings, 794 N Cty. Rd. 437, Cooks, Mich. 49817 (ph 906-286-0910 or 906-644-2093; james@denkins.net; www.jwcustomcarvings.com; Instagram: jamesdenkins).

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2022 - Volume #46, Issue #3