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Simple Stock Tank Brooder
“A stock tank brooder is great for controlling climate and providing protection for chicks,” says Greg Wierschke of Clean Chickens and Co.
He points out that a tank keeps the chicks dry even if the area around it gets wet. It also keeps them safe from curious cats, dogs and wild predators alike.
Once the tank is bedded with wood chips and newspaper, Wierschke covers it with chicken wire and uses half a dozen spring clamps to hold it in place. He fixes a heat lamp in place above the wire covering, securing it with a C-clamp.
He suggests giving the chicks up to 12 hrs. before introducing feed and grit. “Our trick for introducing food is to put colored marbles in the feed so they will peck at them and find the feed,” says Wierschke.
If the temperature drops, he advises using a sheet of cardboard to regulate the temperature in the brooder.
“The stock tank is a clean, safe and temporary home for your chicks,” says Wierschke. “They can be removed as early as 9 days but should be removed by day 18. Wash the tank out with a garden hose and place it upside down until the next batch of chicks is on its way.”
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Clean Chickens and Co., Elk River, Minn. (ph 651-500-3780; wierschkegreg@gmail.com; www.cleanchickens.com; https://serial-chickenz.business.site; www.facebook.com/cleanchickens/).

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2022 - Volume #46, Issue #2